Lonlay Le Tesson

Signposting   L   < download the sheet >

Duration : 2h30 - 
Distance : 11,4 km  - 
Height range :  120 m - 
Bridlepaths :  7,2 km - 
Marked footpaths : in progress - 
Difficulties : average - 

A part of the lane can be damp.

Mairie : 02 33 37 14 80


  1. Park near the church. 
    Walk past the “ mairie ».
    At the Stop sign, cross the D20.
    Be careful and continue straight ahead on the D218 towards La Sauvagère.
    Take the first hollow lane on the right.
    It is situated in the “L’Etre-Fay” hamlet.
    At the end of the lane, turn left onto the road.

  2. After the hamlet of “La Pichonnière”, take the small road on the left towards “La Gouberdière”.
    Walk straight ahead in the lane.
    When the lane opens onto a wider lane, turn right (do not take the private lane which is parallel to the one which you came from which is often closed by a metal gate).

  3. After about 100 metres, when you have reached plot 76, go straight onto the lane which goes down into the wood.
    Follow this lane for about 1km. This lane is slightly uneven.

  4. At the end of the lane, turn right into a wide lane with a stony surface. Follow the sign : “ Circuit n°11 liaison B vers n°7”.

  5. After the ”Grand Bois Mancelet”, take the lane on the left “circuit n°11”, before the “Etre Fleury” house.
    Continue straight ahead on the tarred road.
    Cross the road. Be careful and continue straight into the lane.
    Cross the D20 carefully.
    Continue in the lane across the road.

  6. At the T junction, turn right into the wide lane “Creuse rue”.
    Turn right (D856) on to the tarred road.

  7. After about 500m, take the first road on your right towards Lonlay Le Tesson and walk back to the car park.

The church of Lonlay

The church of Lonlay was nearly totally rebuilt in the XIXth century. 

The church yard is still around the church and the stone cross in the middle dates from 1741.


 The Mont d’Hère forest is what re-mains of an older forest which stretched from east to west from La Ferrière to Rânes.

The Signal de Charle-Magne , (345m), situated in the Mont d’Hère wood is the highest point in the area.

Original well

You will walk by this original well between L’Etre Fay and La Pichonnière.

Altimetric contour

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