Welcome to our rambling site

 who are we ?

A small group of enthusiasts who love rambling.

We roam the paths around La Ferté Macé and have identified the ones which seem to us to be the most interesting.

In partnership with the communes crossed by these paths we offer the following suggestions for rambles.

 Overall map of rambles < download the sheet >

This is the overall map of the walks on this site to allow you to put together several walks.
You will find the details of these walks on the pages following the tab < Our walks > .

 Previous news

Fête de la randonnée 2024

Nouveaux circuits


Journées Mycologiques

Fête de la randonnée 2023

Fête de la randonnée 2022


Inauguration de 3 nouveaux circuits à Joué-Du-Bois

Randonnée 61


Votez pour le projet

Randonnée 61

Naissance DBO


Notre association a pour objet de promouvoir le bocage ornais par la découverte des sentiers, des paysages, de la flore, de la faune et du patrimoine.

Venez participer avec nous à la création de nouveaux chemins dans notre région, trouver de nouveaux tracés, dénicher de nouveaux sites et patrimoines à visiter

Rando solidaire

Nouveau circuit

Randonnée 61

 Specifics and advantages of our offer of rambles

  • The sheets giving details of the walks are printable free of charge from this site.
  • The sheets are free and available in the various mairies.
  • The set of sheets is available at the Ferté Macé tourist office.
  • You can look up the routes on Google Earth or any other map visualization web site.
  • You can download the routes onto a mobile or GPS in order to follow them in real time on the ground.
  • All the paths are in the public domain.

 Specifics and advantages of our offer of rambles

  • The sheets giving details of the walks are printable free of charge from this site.
  • The sheets are free and available in the various mairies.
  • The set of sheets is available at the Ferté Macé tourist office.
  • You can look up the routes on Google Earth or any other map visualization web site.
  • You can download the routes onto a mobile or GPS in order to follow them in real time on the ground.
  • All the paths are in the public domain.

 We would like to thank our partners

 Practical information

  • The walk sheets are free and available in the various mairies.
  • The full set of sheets is available at the tourist office in La Ferté Macé.